Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Katrina, Muslims, Pakistanis, and the like

I haven't been slow posting again. But this time I have a better excuse:

I am a founder/co-founder of a couple of Web database projects and have created pages relating to Katrina and the Muslim and Pakistani communities respectively. (Of course, there's a lot of overlap.)

If you know of things happening around the world, where you are, etc. please send me web links and other material that should be included on those pages. In the latter case, you can just click on the "Edit" link at the top of the page and enter/edit information directly.

By way of information, WikiPakistan is a relatively new Information Database about Pakistan, Pakistanis and the diaspora. The site is at and background information can be seen at . It is an open database that anyone can edit and is developed under a Free Document License. Contributors are encouraged to click on the "Create an account or log in" link in the top righthand corner of every page and created an account. You do not need to provide any personal information.

The Human Rights Project at ProgressiveIslam.Org is is a "wiki" devoted to documenting human rights issues within the Muslim community world-wide. More information is at

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