Thursday, February 09, 2006

Treason and the US Constitution

The clarity of parts of the US constitution is amazing; often startlingly so. I have often remarked how the First Amendment always startles me when I go back to read the actual text. It's uncompromisingly clear definition of the Freedom of Speech is what gets me. It would do a lot of people a lot of good--especially given recent events to read it once in a while.

But today, I wanted to mention another very interesting thing came up in an NPR show I was listening to yesterday:
Article III Sect. 3 of the US Constitution starts: Treason, against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort..."
Nothing one says or does, unless it directly makes the work of an enemy of the US easier in their actions against the same can
constitute treason.


Anonymous said...

I suggest you read the history of the First Amendment. Its actual use in court and in ploicy has not been clear at all.

iFaqeer said...

Given. But I am talking about what the constitution says and intends. And it's part of my point that the constitution itself sees--and makes the point that--Free Speech should have very few restrictions on it. And, more specifically, the the government, especially the Federal Government, should not have any say whatsoever on restricting speech.